A 6-month coaching program for experienced Doulas and Newborn Care Specialists ready to stay fully booked, without working with agencies, chasing certifications, or posting on social media all day, so they can enjoy a stable, six-figure income doing what they love.

Business School

Booked and Blessed


As Doulas and Newborn Care Specialists, you’re taught to focus on your education so you’re qualified to help your clients. But the harsh reality is that those classes left out one critical piece of the puzzle - they didn’t teach you how to actually get your own clients.

When I was about 7 years into my NCS career, I relocated to San Francisco and didn’t know a soul. Not gonna lie - I was super concerned about how I’d find work but the one thing I knew how to do was to build relationships.

And it was through those relationships that I was able to land my first $10,000 contract and then I flipped that into another $30,000 contract and kept going until I had my first 6 figure year.

I call this my “Referral Revolution” - I learned how to ask my network for referrals and get a yes every time!

And inside Booked and Blessed Business School, I’ll show you how to do the same.​

You can create your own “Referral Revolution” even if - you have a small network, don’t know who to ask for referrals, or are shy and super uncomfortable asking for referrals. My students stay booked and blessed using this method - and it's one of the first things you'll implement in Business School.

I'll show you how to book $10,000 - $30,000+ contracts every. single. month. using the power of referrals.

Inside Booked and Blessed Business School, I’ll show you how to create the Perfect Referral Request. You’ll learn my secrets to creating compelling, non-pushy referral requests so that you consistently receive high-quality leads that convert into bookings. My goal is to show you how to build a sustainable referral engine that keeps your calendar full year-round.

And if you’re more on the introverted side, you’ll gain confidence in your ability to ask for referrals effectively which will alleviate any awkwardness when asking for referrals.

Knowing how to send the perfect referral request will replace the anxiety of waiting for agency jobs with the joy of having a steady stream of warm leads coming directly to you.

You’ll no longer worry about damaging your relationships by asking for referrals. Instead, you'll create win-win situations where your network is happy to connect you with families looking for newborn care.

I’ll show you how to transform your small network into a powerful referral engine.

Consistently book $10K+ 12-week contracts each month and create predictable income for your newborn care business

When you learn how to book your own clients through referrals you can:

Stop being scared that if you’re not an agency “favorite” you won’t get any jobs

Easily end a contract with a nightmare client without any financial anxiety

Stop frantically posting and doom-scrolling in random Facebook groups looking for any job you can find

Take guilt-free time off without feeling like you have to “make up” the hours

Stop living off your credit cards in between contracts and racking up debt that feels impossible to pay off

No more settling for low agency rates. You'll finally be able to build a business on your terms, charging what you're truly worth and only working with clients who are the perfect fit.

If you want to build a profitable newborn care business without worrying about where your next client comes from, you’ll need to re-learn everything you think you know about staying fully booked.

When you book your own clients, you set your own rates and you have complete control over your income.

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As an NCS, I worked with high-profile and ultra-high-net-worth families throughout the US for 15 years. And I got 95% of those elite jobs all by myself. Which means I set my own premium rates, schedules, and contract terms. This also means I got to thoroughly interview and hand-pick each client to ensure they were a perfect mutual fit. This allowed me to stay booked solid 12 months out and never have to worry about where my next client was coming from.

By using my "Stay Booked" system, I've been able to:

HI I'M TAMIKO KELLY + I've helped dozens of doulas consistently book $10k+ contracts every month + I stayed fully booked out as an NCS without relying on agencies

Meet your Business School Mentor + Coach

And in the Booked and Blessed Business School, I’ll show you how to do the same.

Save $30,000+ time and time again

Pay off my car loans and student debt

Take luxurious 5-star vacations

 Hire my first virtual assistant

Feel complete peace of mind knowing all my needs are metParagraph Hire my first virtual assistant

Kat made $15,000

”Here’s my big win! Tamiko suggested that I ask my clients for travel time. I travel 3.5-4 hours roundtrip per day - 6 nights per week. Well, I asked and they said yes! It was very uncomfortable for me to ask but guess what, it paid off in the end. I made an extra $15,000 on my contract. ”

Ethel made $20,000

“I've become more assertive and speak up for myself more. I realized that I’m a business owner and families are seeking me out for the service that I provide. It feels so empowering to say “I'm my boss”! Tamiko was the the perfect push to get to where I'm at today and with her help I made $20,000.”

Kellene made $15,000

“Tamiko showed me how to stop working so hard and start using systems to get organized. With her help, I made $15,000. It's like a very surreal feeling for me because I was struggling with monetizing even though I was working so hard and it was even spilling into my personal life. I’m so grateful that I found Tamiko!”

Business School Wins

Your Referral Revolution

Your RECEIPTS Framework

Your Partnership Plan

Your Storytelling Success System

Elevating Your Pricing

I'll teach you the 3 R's - Reach Out - Request - Reward - so you can ask your network for referrals and get a yes every time! The 3R’s will allow you to replace your low-rate agency clients with your own high-paying referrals every month. I’ll show you how to find and reach out to referral partners even if you are starting your network from scratch or live in a small town. And how to create a no-brainer reward system that keeps them sending new clients your way.

Collect powerful testimonials that do the selling for you. This will replace the need to “convince” potential clients of your value with a wall of glowing reviews that speak volumes and show exactly what you bring to the table. When families see your impressive collection of testimonials, they're already sold on what you can do for them before you even hop on a call. You'll never miss an opportunity to capture rave reviews from your current clients, and your testimonials will be rich with specific details that will have your ideal clients lining up to work with you.

Form strategic partnerships with midwives, OB-GYNs, lactation consultants, and pediatricians. Wave goodbye to the constant hustle of looking for new clients. Instead, tap into their audience and their trust, creating a steady stream of high-quality referrals.

Competition becomes irrelevant when you tell your story. You'll learn how to craft a compelling story that sets you apart. Then I’ll show you how to seamlessly weave your story into your marketing and client interactions so clients eagerly reach out to you, already convinced you're the perfect fit for their family.

In Booked and Blessed, we don’t believe in market rates. I’ll show you how to confidently raise your rates to support the lifestyle you want. You’ll learn how to communicate this increase to your clients so you get their buy-in, replacing anxiety about losing clients with the excitement of attracting clients who happily pay your new rates!


Here’s What Booked and Blessed Will Help You With

Your Pre-Book Strategy

Pre-booking yourself out is the key to consistent income. By strategically focusing on booking out for the next quarter, you'll have guaranteed income (via deposits). This will eliminate the stress of wondering where your next paycheck is coming from, allowing you to save money, pay off debt, and invest in yourself with confidence.


Your Smart Scheduling System

Create a flexible schedule that lets you be there for the moments that matter, without sacrificing your income. This will replace those tearful phone calls telling your family you're missing Christmas again with the joy of being there with bells on - just in time to open gifts. I'll even show you how to easily plan out your year so you get your first guilt-free vacation on the books!


Your Fantastic Follow-Up System

Stay in touch with past clients without feeling awkward so you’re the first person your clients think of for all their future newborn care needs. This will add a steady stream of income to your business so that repeat clients become the norm, not the exception.


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Booked and Blessed is for you even if you’ve never booked a $10K, $20K, or 

$30K+ contract before

One of the biggest things that prevents Doulas and NCS from making their first $100,000 is undercharging.

And anytime, I mention elevating your pricing (aka raising your rates) the pushback I get is “Where will I find clients to pay my rates?” or “Those rates won’t work in my market!”

Listen, I get it because I used to believe that too. But let me tell you a quick story…

Early in my career, I was working with a very popular agency in my area. This agency seemed to have all the jobs so in my mind, it just made sense to get registered with them. I did and within 2 weeks, I had my first gig. During the contract with my first client, an issue came up that the client needed my help with so I asked her to send me the contract she signed with the agency.

What I saw in the contract, blew my mind! She was paying the agency, $50/hour for services but I was getting $25/hour.

No, that's not a typo.
The agency was literally lining their pockets with the rest of that money.
Let that sink in for a moment.

Essentially I was paying this agency to my marketing department and they're taking a whopping 50% of my revenue for the privilege. I was shocked!

So let’s do some math really quick.

Once I had this realization, I got to work and created what is now known as my “Stay Booked System”.

My goal was to remove the agency from the mix so I could make the entire $50/hour on my next job.

I realized that clients are ALREADY willing to pay those higher rates.

So it truly wasn’t about finding new clients.

It was about finding a new way to reach the clients who are already paying those rates.

By using the Stay Booked System, I was able to:

  • Confidently raise my rates and make more money
  • Leverage my network to create a steady stream of referrals
  • Pre-book myself out for 90 days or more and create consistent income

Now, you might be thinking, 'But Tamiko, agencies provide me with steady work. What if I can't find enough clients on my own?'

I hear you, but here's the truth: With the 'Stay Booked System', you'll learn how to create a steady stream of high-paying clients that will make agency work look like small change. Plus, you'll have the freedom to choose your clients and set your own schedule."

And you’ll learn how to do just that inside of Booked and Blessed Business School.

I was working a 7 nights/week contract - 12 hours/night for $25.

But if I was on the same contract making $50/hour, I’d be bringing home $4200/week

And was bringing home $2100/week

I would have literally had $25,200 more in my bank account!!!!

You’re ready to stay fully booked out

You want to leverage your network of past overnight clients to get referrals that will keep you booked out for months. The constant grind of registering with agencies or searching social media for jobs feels highly stressful, and you're ready for an easier path to consistent bookings and peace of mind.

Is This You?


You’re done chasing certifications and ready to help families NOW

You’ve taken the classes, you have the experience, and you’re ready to start helping families more consistently. Booked and Blessed will help book your next client within 30 days and then show you how to get your current client to pay for the next training you want to take.


You want to attract high-paying clients easily

You want agency work to be optional

You’ve heard of market rates but know with your experience you should be making way more. You’re ready to confidently raise your rates and start working with high-caliber clients who value everything you bring to the table. You want clients finding you through referrals and submitting applications every month so you always have a steady stream of clients coming in.

Even if you get the majority of your jobs through agencies now, Booked and Blessed will show you how to effectively market yourself using the power of referrals so you can stop working with agencies whenever you want and not stress about where your next client is coming from.



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Ready to fill your calendar with the perfect clients?

Here’s What’s Included In

Booked and blessed

Business Coaching

You'll be able to get your sales and referral questions answered so you can confidently:

Every Thursday at 2 pm CST, I coach my clients live inside the Business School to ensure they’re reaching the goal of becoming fully booked.

Close more high-dollar contracts with your dream families

Ask for and receive quality referrals from your network without feeling pushy

Craft compelling thank-you letters for potential clients that showcase your unique value

Build a robust network of referral partners even if you have a tiny network now, are shy or there are a ton of Doulas/NCS in your area

Overcome objections during your sales calls and turn hesitant prospects into excited clients

Implement effective follow-up strategies that keep your pipeline full

Whether you're new to booking your own clients or looking to refine your approach, you'll gain the skills and confidence to turn inquiries into bookings and referrals into a steady stream of ideal clients

Booked and Blessed Business School Curriculum

This is the world’s only business school for Doulas and NCS that shows you exactly how to get booked out and earn more doing what you love using the power of referrals. This industry-leading school is designed and created by an experienced NCS (who is also a Doula) to teach others how to run wildly profitable businesses.

15-minute bite-sized video trainings that break down every step to book your next client

Booked and Blessed Mindset training to help unravel limiting beliefs holding you back from the success you deserve

Beautifully designed plug-and-play spreadsheets, checklists, and workbooks for quick implementation

Booked and Blessed Community

When you join Booked and Blessed, you're not just getting a course – you're joining a vibrant, supportive community of like-minded Doulas and NCS who are all working towards the same goal: using referrals to build thriving, six-figure businesses.

In our exclusive Facebook community you’ll get:

Daily support : Ask questions Monday through Friday and get a response from me, Tamiko, within 24 business hours. 

Peer support and networking : Connect with other ambitious Doulas and NCS, share wins, and maybe even find your next collaboration partner.

Personalized coaching : Feeling weird asking for referrals or not exactly sure what to say - bring it to the group

With daily access to Tamiko’s expert advice and a network of supportive peers, you'll never feel stuck or alone in your business again!

Discover your hidden referral goldmine in just 60 minutes! In this exclusive 1:1 call, I'll hand you:

My foolproof method to uncover your 5 top clients primed for referrals (you'll be amazed who's on this list!)

The secret sauce for crafting irresistible, personalized referral requests (I’ll have you saying, “Why didn’t I think of that?”)

 5 custom-tailored, ready-to-send referral letters (all you have to do is copy & paste them into Gmail and hit send!)

"Fantastic Five Gameplan" 1:1 Strategy Session with Tamiko (Limited to the first 5 enrollees!)

This bonus alone will help you book at least one $10K client during your first week in the program!


Booked and blessed

Find High-Profile Clients In Your Market Workshop

In this 2 hour workshop, I’ll show you exactly where those high-paying, high-profile clients are hiding and how to attract them effortlessly. Even if you're new to fully staffed homes, you'll learn to navigate them with ease, thrive in a team, and secure long-term contracts.

By the end of the workshop, you'll have a practical plan to become the go-to expert for affluent families, filling your schedule with clients who value your expertise and happily pay your rates.

Weekly Group Coaching Calls with Tamiko for 6 Weeks

As a founding member, you’ll be invited to a live filming experience where you can help me create Booked and Blessed in real-time. You’ll get direct access to me with weekly coaching calls for the first 6 weeks of the program. These calls will help you implement the strategies quickly and overcome any mindset blocks so you can build your Referral Revolution.

Please note: As a founding member, you will be invited to a live filming experience to create Booked and Blessed with us in real time. We are pre-selling Booked and Blessed so the first lesson along with your Facebook group access will be ready on or before October 18.


Join Now

When you join Booked and Blessed today, you’ll have access to:

6 months of access to monthly coaching calls + recordings

6 months of access to our private Booked and Blessed Community

Complete Booked and Blessed curriculum + templates

The investment

One-time payment of $1,500


6 monthly payments of $300

Linda’s clients pay in full

“Since working with Tamiko this is the first time I’ve made real money in my business. To be able to have a client pay in full has been amazing! Tamiko helped me create a unique package and now I have customers who are willing to pay me for my services at a higher level. It’s been a total game-changer for me!”

Alicia booked her first high-end client

"Tamiko put this whole package together for me that gave me every single step I needed to get started. There was no guesswork, I just followed her steps. Tamiko knows exactly what she's talking about. She’s a one-stop shop that will give you everything you need to grow your business.”

Anita found her next job

”I had an interview with a client and I knew instantly it wasn’t going to be a good fit. Rather than take on a non-ideal client, Tamiko encouraged me to turn them down and follow my gut feeling. Because of her advice a couple of days later, I booked the perfect client that I’m super excited to work with.”

Business School Wins




How fast can I expect to see results?

Using our 3 R's - Reach Out - Request - Reward System, you'll have a 7-day roadmap to your first $10k client, you'll be able to:

  • Identify and connect with the top referral sources within your network
  • Confidently request referrals from these clients without feeling awkward
  • Present your services in a way that resonates with luxury clients
  • Close deals more effectively, leading to high-dollar contracts
  • Start building a pipeline of premium clients for consistent income

This system is designed for quick implementation, allowing you to see tangible results within your first week. Many of our students secure their first $10k client within 30 days of starting the program, with some achieving this milestone even sooner.

Remember, while quick wins are possible, long-term success comes from consistently applying these strategies over time. Booked and Blessed equips you with the tools and mindset to not just land one high-value client, but to do it again and again totally transforming your business.

What if I'm afraid to raise my rates?

Fear around raising rates is common, but in Booked and Blessed, we've got you covered with a concept my coach calls the "Pricing Elevator". Here's how it works:

  1. We start exactly where you are. If you're on the ground floor with your current rates, that's okay!
  2. I'll help you get clients and build confidence at your current pricing.
  3. As you gain experience and testimonials, we'll gradually move up the elevator, floor by floor.
  4. Each 'floor' represents a price increase, backed by increased value and confidence.
  5. We move at your pace, ensuring you're comfortable every step of the way.

Remember, every single person in Booked and Blessed goes through this elevator process with me. Some start on the lower floors, others are midway up, but everyone has room to rise.

The beauty of the Pricing Elevator is that it eliminates the pressure to make a huge leap all at once. Instead, you'll make incremental increases as your skills, confidence, and client base grow.

By the end of the program, you'll find yourself on a much higher floor, charging rates that reflect the true value you bring to clients - and doing so with complete confidence.

What if I live in a small town?

Living in a small town isn't a limitation - it's an opportunity! In Booked and Blessed, I'll show you how to turn your small-town status into your biggest advantage using my "Small Town. Big Bucks." Strategy.

Some of the most successful Doulas and NCS I know run thriving businesses in tight-knit communities. Why? Because in small towns, community connections carry serious weight.

My "Small Town. Big Bucks." Strategy will teach you how to:

  1. Leverage local connections to become the go-to expert in your area
  2. Tap into the "support local" mindset that's strong in small communities
  3. Use word-of-mouth marketing to your advantage (it spreads like wildfire in small towns!)
  4. Build strategic partnerships with other local businesses and healthcare providers
  5. Create a marketing plan that resonates with your specific community

Remember, families in small towns are often eager to support local businesses, especially for something as personal and important as postpartum care. Your small town isn't limiting your client pool - it's giving you a captive audience! You'll have families in your community lining up to work with you, proving that you don't need a big city to make big bucks in this industry.

What if I don't feel comfortable asking for referrals?

I hear you! Many Doulas and NCS feel awkward about asking for referrals, but here's the thing - it doesn't have to be uncomfortable at all. In Booked and Blessed, I'll teach you my "Perfect Referral Request" method that turns asking for referrals from daunting to delightful.

Here's what you'll learn:

  1. How to craft compelling, non-pushy referral requests that get a "yes" every time
  2. The exact words to use that make your network excited to refer you
  3. Timing your requests for maximum impact (hint: it’s not at the end of your contract)
  4. How to create win-win situations where everyone benefits from the referral

The Perfect Referral Request method will:

  • Replace the anxiety of waiting for agency jobs with a steady stream of warm leads coming directly to you
  • Eliminate the fear of damaging relationships by asking for referrals the right way
  • Add a sustainable referral engine to your business, keeping your calendar full year-round

Even if you're an introvert, you'll gain the confidence to ask for referrals effectively, alleviating any awkwardness. You'll be amazed at how eager your network becomes to connect you with families in need of your services.
Remember, when done right, asking for referrals isn't pushy - it's providing value to both your network and the families who need your expertise. Let me show you how to do it with ease and grace.

What kind of support can I expect if I get stuck?

In Booked and Blessed, you're never alone. Here's the support you can count on:

1. Weekly Live Coaching Calls: Every Thursday at 2 pm CST for the first 6 weeks, I coach my clients live. These calls are your golden opportunity to:

  • Get real-time answers to your pressing questions
  • Receive personalized guidance on your specific challenges
  •  Learn from other members' experiences and questions
  • Overcome limiting beliefs and get unstuck on mindset blocks holding you back, building the confidence you need to succeed
  • Role-play tough client conversations or sales calls
  • Celebrate your wins and get motivated for the week ahead
  •  Get in the hot seat for focused, intensive coaching on your biggest challenge or opportunity
  • Work through specific implementation challenges and apply strategies to your unique situation

2. No Question Left Behind: Whether it's about pricing, difficult clients, marketing strategies, or time management - no question is too big or too small. I'm here to answer them all!

3. Facebook Group Support: Can't make the live call? No worries! I'm active in our private Facebook group throughout the week. You can post your questions anytime and get support from me and your fellow Booked and Blessed members.

Remember, my goal is to help you implement what you're learning and see real results in your business. Whether it's on our live calls or in the Facebook group, you'll always have the support you need to move forward and thrive.

I’m a brand new Doula or NCS who just graduated from training
- should I join?

While Booked and Blessed is being created with experienced providers in mind, you're absolutely ready to join us if your goal is to become fully booked out ASAP. I'll teach you how to quickly fill your pipeline with families hungry for your services.

Is there a community with Booked and Blessed?

Yep! You’ll be enveloped in a loving Facebook community of other Doulas and NCS who are also on their business-building journey. If for whatever reason you don’t have a Facebook account, I would highly recommend creating one just for the Business School so that you can take advantage of this valuable resource.

Since we’re all NCS and Doulas how can we differentiate ourselves
from one other?

Here’s the thing - everyone’s story is different and we all come from different backgrounds. And that’s your superpower! You get to use your unique experiences to help the families you enjoy working with. Inside the Booked and Blessed Business School, you'll learn my proven "Storytelling Success System" that will transform how you connect with potential clients. This system will:

  1. Uncover your unique experiences that resonate with families
  2. Craft a compelling story that sets you apart
  3. Seamlessly weave your story into your marketing and client interactions

This Storytelling Success System will replace the stress of endlessly applying to agencies with the excitement of having clients eagerly reaching out to you, already convinced you're the perfect fit for their family.

How is this different from other courses/training?

Rather than compare this coaching program to others, let me be clear - in the Booked and Blessed Business School, our sole focus is helping you get fully booked out with your dream clients. If attracting more ideal families is your goal, this business school will absolutely equip you with the proven strategies to make that happen.

Is everything available immediately?

No! As a founding member, you will be invited to a live filming experience to create Booked and Blessed with us in real-time. We are pre-selling Booked and Blessed so the first lesson along with your Facebook group access will be ready on or before October 18.

How does the payment plan work?

You would submit your first payment of $300 today and you’ll be billed monthly on the same day of the month for your remaining payments. For example, if you join on September 22, you’ll be billed today $300 and again on October 22, and so on. If you need a more flexible payment plan with a lower monthly payment, please select the pay-in-full option and explore Klarna, AfterPay, or Affirm at checkout.

How long do I have access to the Business School?

You have 6 months of access to all the lessons inside the Business School. You’ll receive reminders before your access ends and an invitation to rejoin.

Do you offer any refunds or guarantees?

No. Many factors apply to your success in this program so at this time we are unable to offer any refunds or guarantees.

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Join the Booked and Blessed Business School today!

Let's do this!